Message Mission School

India and Sierra Leone

Empowering a diverse community, united by Christ, to achieve excellence in education for the flourishing of all creation

Believing that all children are created for God’s glory and endowed by Him with an inalienable potential to acquire wisdom and knowledge


Message Mission School is an educational ministry of God’s perspective. In its widest application, MMS, ministry perspective
denotes service which we renders through educational ministry in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. While the concept embraces all service rendered in behalf of God, our educational ministry in Christ often identifies our action performed by qualified individuals/staff who are properly appointed to their tasks. Here at Message Mission School, our Ministerial form is purely educational, because ministry can be performed in a variety of settings to meet an assortment of objectives.

Here at MMS, our perspective of Ministry is rooted in God’s own service to humanity. Its scope is limited only by the love of God which we have. The execution of ministry sometimes calls for special human talents, but most aspects are simple and require only will and motivation which we have given to countless communities through educational ministry for the sake of our Lord and savior Jesus  Christ.

Since establishment in 2021, Message Mission School has been dedicated to educating and challenging young people for Christian life and service. We are parent-governed by an elected Board of  Directors, and receive substantial support from God’s chosen men and women.

Contact Us

Main Motor Road, Torgbo
Jehun-Matindi Waterloo,
Sierra Leone

(+232) 78-311-186